Saturday, February 27, 2016

Phipps Trip to the Orchid and Bonsai show!

I know, I know, I promised a review of seed companies this week. But Tim (my husband) and R (my little boy) and I went to Phipps Conservatory and Botanic Garden last Monday and it was awesome and I need to tell you all about it.

Also I haven't finished the review of seed companies.

It's coming.  I promise.

Anyway! Last Monday was President's day and Tim and R were home. I spent some time at school working on some awesomeness for the Home and Garden show (about which I will also write), then we all went to Phipps together. We have a membership to Phipps, it was part of Tim's birthday present to me and I'm pretty sure it's going to end up being one of the best birthday presents ever.

Phipps has some exhibits that are permanent and then they have a rotating display of seasonal shows that are pretty much always amazing. Not that everything at Phipps is perfect, but I do enjoy them. The show going on right now is the Orchid and Bonsai show. I haven't had a chance to get into it much on this blog yet, but I freaking love orchids and bonsai. My indoor plant room is filled with orchids and eventually, I'm confident this blog will be filled too.

One of the most exciting changes for us has been the inclusion of a miniature railroad in one of the center courts of the conservatory. R, like most little kids, loves trains. During the summer there's a great kids garden area, but in the cold icky months there isn't much for them there, and the trains really give him something to look forward to. In addition this trip they gave us a little scavenger hunt for him, it was a sheet with little images of various things around Phipps and the names written down. This gave R something to focus on while we were looking around, and Tim an opportunity to guide R in a more interactive way.

As a budding horticulturist (pun intended) I really love checking out the stranger specimens and looking around for pests and IPM methods. (IPM= Integrated Pest Management). A popular one at Phipps are these little sachets of Encarsia formosa. Encarsia formosa are a biological control method for problematic bugs, they are a parasitic wasp that lays their eggs inside other undesirable bugs, usually white fly. The eggs hatch and the offspring burst forth, killing the pest. One the highlights of this trip was telling Tim about this and watching the look of abject horror spread across his face. The insect world is so horrific and awesome.

Here are some pictures I took from my trip, they'll do a better job that I ever could of explaining how excellent the show was (and is since I believe it's going on until Feb. 28th).

The Center courtyard. Lush as always

Just look at these amazing Phaleanopsis.

Those markings are glorious

Tiny bonsai orange tree with fruits!


This is called the Voo Doo Lily and it's Cool AF

Look at this magnificent inflorescence! Look at it

Sunken Garden over flowing with beautiful Orchids!

Victorian Garden. I think those are the graces in the back but I can't be sure.

Whimsy! Color! Palm Trees in Pittsburgh in February!

This is R's favorite part, the mini railroad garden.
Have I mentioned the glass art yet? Chihuly.
This is Romero the Corpse Flower today, it's giant stinky bloom is replaced with this big green stalk.

Inside the vestibule.

Mmmm. Yes. Cattleya Orchids.

That's all I have for you this week. We're getting geared up for the Home and Garden Show next week so hopefully I'll have the review ready to go in the very near future.

Happy Planting! 

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful. Love that Phipps still has some great Charli pieces there,
